Ignore that poor Malay lady working in the bank, being slashed by hooligans instructed by an ex-sleague player, with a depressed look. Because she ordered a Public Protection Order from her abusive ex-sleague player husband. But I'm still curious who is that ex-sleague player as well.
That's not the point. You see the cute Malay guy that use to play for SAFFC on top of that lady's picture? I think he's going to be like the woman's husband, calling people to slash someone soon. Reason? TNP put the wrong picture for the article, "Tampines Rovers player jailed; CLUB GIVES HIM SECOND CHANCE"! Its supposed to be the guy in blue on the right picture, happy that he's going to jail... just kidding. LOL
But the thing about this is that Noor Ali (innocent guy who appears to be jailed) image might have been tarnished! Imagine Noor Ali walking out on the streets and people are staying away from him for being a convict?! TNP have never shown any interest in local football. Yes, they report lots of good stuffs about EPL, Champions League, La Liga, Serie A etc. no doubt but they have been constantly criticizing our league alot and not posting any match reports regarding our local league. Can't wait to buy tomorrow's TNP to see their correction.
This Aliff Shafaein jailed topic is trending all over KR and the net, not because of his unlawful behavior but because of TNP posting the wrong picture. Its like a man's dignity being castrated... Noor Ali is a respectable man, in my opinion, in the Sleague. There is few players to make it from the debut of Sleague till now and even capped for the National side.
I've nothing against Aliff, he plays well, being small, swift and agile on the pitch. And definitely we should all give him a second chance. But considering his comments to the paper is not really well-received by us on KR.
His latest fines now amounts to $10k, and failure to do so, he will serve extra days behind bars. Of course nobody likes that, they would pay the fine and serve the minimum number of days in jail. The recent drink-driving offence actually amount up to $2k fine only, it was increased because he failed to pay those fines till now. So he actually hopes his Tampines Rovers fans would come forward to help him settle his fines. *speechless*